Shel Silverstein

Shel Silverstein
Boa Constrictor by Shel Silverstein

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Phase III Reflection

Assessing Prior Knowledge
It important to assess what students know about the subject at hand.  The subject matter becomes more meaningful for the student as result it encourages them to participate, share thier ideas and become actively involve in the learning enviroment.  Teachers are able to link new information to the students prior knowledge that will assist with teaching with the lesson with a purpose.  I found that assessing prior knowledge is a great tool for designing and planning instruction. As teachers we should never make assumptions about what students know or don't know.

Planning Instruction
The importance of planning instruction is that assist teachers to select lesson content and methods that meet the needs of their students learning goals. Planning instruction takes time and effort.  Its assist teachers to become effective teacher in their classroom when you have a goal to reach.  I found that when my partner and I were planning instruction I was worried about how technology could be intergrated effectively.  Will we target out objective utilizing technology. After lesson delivery I realized that modifications is something that occurs consistly throughout a lesson.

Designing Instruction
It important that when desiging instruction that teachers have an understanding of the subject matter and our presentation set the quality of the students learning experience. Designing instruction can be develop with the help of Bloom Taxomy. Teachers must ask themselves what they what their student to learn and how will this be achieved.  I found that designing instruction can also be modified and adjusted during and after lesson delivery.  What we create are just guidelines to assist teachers and students reach their learning goa. Creating the boards for the centers was fun however some centers needed modifications.

Planning Assessment
When planning for assessment teachers must make sure that the assessment is aligned with lesson objective and state standard.  Teachers also need to include modification for diversity in student learning in the classroom. I learned that assessment is a big factor when comes to student learning and lesson delivery.  Planning an assessment has to be carefully thought out because it will be the tool that teachers use to make adjustments and modifications to support future student learning.

Instructional Decisions/Teaching
To be an effective teachers, teachers must constantly make decisions about their classroom environment, lessons and students learning abilities. Teachers also must be flexible and make adjustments when needed to support the classroom environment and student learning.

Assessment of Learning
Assessing learning provides data on the success of the students learning. It is a tool that will assist with future planning and design instruction.  The data  may reflect what we could do better and how the student is learning and/or receiving the information that is being taught.

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