Shel Silverstein

Shel Silverstein
Boa Constrictor by Shel Silverstein

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Personal Reflection

Self Assessment
On Thursday evening I felt that our lesson was fun and interactive.  I actually felt relieved that we taught out lesson but I also felt we did well but could of done better. After reading my peers comment  I realized that the areas I felt we did not well were the same areas that my peers commented on.

The introduction: We used Shel Silverstein CD to engaged our students.  One of the students stated that a poem on the cd sounded familiar to them. As I read the objective in front of my peers I realized that maybe we should of listed an objective for each center so that the students had a clear understanding of each centers goal. Once we moved onto the next slide "Boa Constrictor" poem students seemed engaged and cleared about what was expected at that time.

Center Presentation: 
Listening Center:  I felt good and confident when explaining the voice recording however I displayed a little fustration because I realized I left my notes. As a result of that I forgot to displayed microsoft on the screen so that I can explain visually what was expected. Instead my immediate thought was to grab the board and explain it the students.  Which I feel was still effective because they were going to work on the center anyway.
 Digital Portfolio  I feel that since this was the focus point of our lesson. That more time should of been spent on explaining this center and actual visual demonstrations should of been displayed. Students should been advised that their work was going to be evaluated and assessed for this center.

Story Maker:  was fun and I enjoyed this centered the most. Again I wanted to give a visual presentation but my nerves got the best of me and I did not remember to highlight the link right click and Wala the linked would of opened.

Magnetic Funny Poetry: I also enjoyed this center however, I realized that the students  said did not understand the instructions on the board; that they had to create one sentence with thier partner and another group would add to their sentence.

I feel that both my partner and I did well in faciliating and supporting our students.  We walk around and observed who was working and needed a little assistance on staying on tasks.  I did get to hear everyones story from the Dr. Suess storymaker center so I was able to assess their understanding and expectations of the this particular center.  We also viewed all the digital portfolios during the process and after they completed their assignment as well.

Overall I felt that if we would of explained the other 3 center the way the first one was model that the students would of had less difficult time understanding what was expected of them.   I wish I relaxed myself enough to give them exactly what I expected and invision our lesson to be.  But I am happy because the students were engaged and having fun once they understood what was expected.

For the future I will take make sure to be relaxed, give each center their own objective, be clear on what students will be assessed on, provide more time for each learning center and advise the centers that the center would be available throughout the week prior to setting free to work at the center choice.  The activities and my partner and I chosed were definitely fun and interactive and I loved them and enjoyed teaching it the class.

Phase III Reflection

Assessing Prior Knowledge
It important to assess what students know about the subject at hand.  The subject matter becomes more meaningful for the student as result it encourages them to participate, share thier ideas and become actively involve in the learning enviroment.  Teachers are able to link new information to the students prior knowledge that will assist with teaching with the lesson with a purpose.  I found that assessing prior knowledge is a great tool for designing and planning instruction. As teachers we should never make assumptions about what students know or don't know.

Planning Instruction
The importance of planning instruction is that assist teachers to select lesson content and methods that meet the needs of their students learning goals. Planning instruction takes time and effort.  Its assist teachers to become effective teacher in their classroom when you have a goal to reach.  I found that when my partner and I were planning instruction I was worried about how technology could be intergrated effectively.  Will we target out objective utilizing technology. After lesson delivery I realized that modifications is something that occurs consistly throughout a lesson.

Designing Instruction
It important that when desiging instruction that teachers have an understanding of the subject matter and our presentation set the quality of the students learning experience. Designing instruction can be develop with the help of Bloom Taxomy. Teachers must ask themselves what they what their student to learn and how will this be achieved.  I found that designing instruction can also be modified and adjusted during and after lesson delivery.  What we create are just guidelines to assist teachers and students reach their learning goa. Creating the boards for the centers was fun however some centers needed modifications.

Planning Assessment
When planning for assessment teachers must make sure that the assessment is aligned with lesson objective and state standard.  Teachers also need to include modification for diversity in student learning in the classroom. I learned that assessment is a big factor when comes to student learning and lesson delivery.  Planning an assessment has to be carefully thought out because it will be the tool that teachers use to make adjustments and modifications to support future student learning.

Instructional Decisions/Teaching
To be an effective teachers, teachers must constantly make decisions about their classroom environment, lessons and students learning abilities. Teachers also must be flexible and make adjustments when needed to support the classroom environment and student learning.

Assessment of Learning
Assessing learning provides data on the success of the students learning. It is a tool that will assist with future planning and design instruction.  The data  may reflect what we could do better and how the student is learning and/or receiving the information that is being taught.

Phase II Assessment of Learning

My partner and I utilized two forms of assessment informal assessment and summative assessment.   At the end of the lesson the students were ask:
1. Name one thing your learned today?
2. What center was did you have the most fun in?
3. Would like work on these centers in the future?


The center that my partner and I assess was the digital portfolio.
Below are two examples of the students work.


Juana & Liz

Phase II Instructional Decisions/Teachings

My partner and I decided that we utilized technology in four different centers.  The centers the students were to work with were:

 Voice Recording Listening Center
The purpose for voice recording during listening center is to hlep students build sight vocabulary and to help them with phrasing and fluency while being exposed to Shel Silvertein poems.

Examples:Boa Constrictor recorded by Alexis

recorded byElizabeth V. G.

Hammock recorded by Jillian
hammock (2).wma

Digital Portfolio Writing Center   
The purpose for digital portfolio was to provide students with necessary skills and experience to design and create a digital portfolio.  This activiy help students with content, organization, readability and the use of multmedia tools.


Chesa & Christina

Story Maker Computer Center
The purpose for the Story maker encourages students to become creative writers.

Magnetic  Funny Poetry Center
The purpose for magnetic funny poetry is to encourage students to become creative with there thoughts and to encourage students to read a variety of genres in literature.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lesson Plan

Happy Sunday!!!!

I just finishing adjusting lesson plan we forgot to add technology standards... Oooops!!!
I can't wait until Giggles gets back to me so that we can continue making refinements....

I also just realized that I didn't send my copy of the lesson plan but she submitted under our group in Vista.. Arrggg... I'm confused right now =S

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Phases 1

Assessing Prior Knowledge

For the poetry assignment students will be working on fluency in a poetry selection. This would not be the first time I would assess their fluency and would have already listened to them read individually so I would have a handle on their individual skills.
After assessing each student for their abilities and knowledge of the subject area I would place them in the groups that would make them the most successful.

Plans Instruction
Objective:TSW use technology for reading, listening and speaking with fluency and appropriate rhythm, pacing, intonation, and vocal patterns. (This is connected to the state standards and is appropriate for 3rd grade students.) Students will know that this is the goal of this activity.

Designing Instruction

Our lesson has been created to use learning centers. In each center they will use a different skill. Each center will be labeled with instructions and center responsibilities. Each center will focus on a form of literacy. The centers will include print concepts, fluency, writing, reading and listening. Each center will use technology in some way.

Planning Assessment
Assessment of our lesson will be technology based. Students will use voice recordings, and work entered onto the class digital portfolio for the assessment of learning.
Students will be assessed in a group and individually based on need. Student support will be given for those who need extra help.

Lesson Artifacts

  • Storybook center Students can create their own storybook using the characters from Dr. Suess. Great for computer centers.
  • Magnetic poetry center (Free form poetry) using this fun magnetic poetry kit students will be able to make their own free form, changing poetry.
That's all for now see you soon friends!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Researched lesson plan ideas, created a map of our classroom.  Good conversation!  So excited....Especially since we present on week 7

Random Thought

Lesson Discovery

Hello!  My partner and I are brainstorming on the development of the thrid grade langauge arts lesson plan.  We will focus on language development skills, listening, writing, reading.