Shel Silverstein

Shel Silverstein
Boa Constrictor by Shel Silverstein

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lesson Plan

Happy Sunday!!!!

I just finishing adjusting lesson plan we forgot to add technology standards... Oooops!!!
I can't wait until Giggles gets back to me so that we can continue making refinements....

I also just realized that I didn't send my copy of the lesson plan but she submitted under our group in Vista.. Arrggg... I'm confused right now =S

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Phases 1

Assessing Prior Knowledge

For the poetry assignment students will be working on fluency in a poetry selection. This would not be the first time I would assess their fluency and would have already listened to them read individually so I would have a handle on their individual skills.
After assessing each student for their abilities and knowledge of the subject area I would place them in the groups that would make them the most successful.

Plans Instruction
Objective:TSW use technology for reading, listening and speaking with fluency and appropriate rhythm, pacing, intonation, and vocal patterns. (This is connected to the state standards and is appropriate for 3rd grade students.) Students will know that this is the goal of this activity.

Designing Instruction

Our lesson has been created to use learning centers. In each center they will use a different skill. Each center will be labeled with instructions and center responsibilities. Each center will focus on a form of literacy. The centers will include print concepts, fluency, writing, reading and listening. Each center will use technology in some way.

Planning Assessment
Assessment of our lesson will be technology based. Students will use voice recordings, and work entered onto the class digital portfolio for the assessment of learning.
Students will be assessed in a group and individually based on need. Student support will be given for those who need extra help.

Lesson Artifacts

  • Storybook center Students can create their own storybook using the characters from Dr. Suess. Great for computer centers.
  • Magnetic poetry center (Free form poetry) using this fun magnetic poetry kit students will be able to make their own free form, changing poetry.
That's all for now see you soon friends!